St. Ann's Year 3 Class Page
Welcome to Year 3!
The Year 3 Teacher is Mr Coleman who is supported by Miss Caunter.
In Year 3, we will be continuing the active learning that the children have had in Key Stage 1, whilst guiding and supporting the children for more formal assessment and written work. We will be striving to keep a sense of fun in everything we do, but also learning how to become independent and mature.
Useful Websites
Google Classroom - Log in with your child's gwstanns email address.
Lexia - Use the teacher email 'ipads@wstanns.co.uk'
TT Rockstars - TT Rockstars homework.
Homework Expectations
Reading at home is essential. Your child is expected to read at home a minimum of 4 times a week. If your child is at LIME level or above, they can read twice by themselves and twice with an adult. If your child is at WHITE level or below, all four reads must be with an adult. Reading must be logged in reading records and is checked every Friday morning.
Times table knowledge is vital to succeeding in Maths. By the end of Year 3, children are expected to know all multiplication and division facts for x2, x3, x4, x5, x8 and x10 times tables. Children are expected to complete at least 25 minutes of TT Rockstars at home for their Maths homework. This is checked every Friday morning.
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Length and Perimeter
Changes from Stone Age to Iron Age
Computing Systems and Networks
Online Reputation
Music Express- Time
Christmas Nativity Performance Songs
Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman
Winter's Child by Grham Baker-Smith
Are all settlements the same?
Design Technology
Shell structures with CAD design
Prehistoric cave paintings
Forces and Magnets
REAL PE Unit 1- Ball Skills/Reaction and response
REAL PE Unit 2- Static balance/Seated balance
I'm learning French
Get Heartsmart
Don't Forget to Let Love In!
Contact Us
If you would like to contact us regarding your child's progress, please make an appointment with the class teacher by calling the school office or by email using the form on our contact page.