Warrington School Sports Partnership ACE Award

Mia Alasulu
In 2019 Mia was nominated for the Warrington School Sports Partnership ACE award. The ACE award was awarded to pupils who show outstanding Attitude, Commitment and Effort in PE and sporting activities. Mia was nominated as she had shown tremendous perseverance and effort over the past few years and improved her ability in a number of sports. She was the school netball and girl's football captain. She played for the school's hockey and rounder teams and has been a member of the school sports crew for 2 years. She is a fabulous example to others on how you should apply yourself in all activities. She has been successful outside of school in her Taekwondo competitions and helps out with coaching the younger children at her club. She is a fabulous role model to all children and is a fabulous sport whether she wins or loses. We were thrilled when she won the award at the ceremony at the Halliwell Jones Stadium. We are so proud of her!