School Sporting Honours
At St Ann's we are thrilled whenever our children represent our school and show good sportsmanship whilst competiting. We want to celebrate not only this, but our achievements in competitive events too.
2015 - 2016
Warrington Small Schools Football Championship Y5/6 - Runers Up
Cheshire Small Schools Football Championship Y5/6 - Runners Up
BOLD Quicksticks Hockey Y5/6 - Winners
Warrington Hockey Finals Y5/6 - Joint Runners Up
Represtented Warrington at the Cheshire Hockey Finals Y5/6
BOLD Sportshall Athletics Y3/4 - Runners Up
Kwik Cricket District Championships Y5/6 - Winners
Represented Warrington at Cheshire Kwik Cricket finals
BOLD Football League Champions Y5/6
2016 - 2017
BOLD Quicksticks Hockey Y5/6 Winnners
Represented Warrington at the Cheshire Hockey Finals Y5/6
BOLD Sportshall Athletics Y3/4 Runners Up
Key Steps Gymnastics Individual Event Y5/6 Lucy Stockton 3rd Place
2019 - 2020
Year 5/6 Central area Netball Winners
Represented Warrington at the Cheshire Schools Hockey Finals
Awarded the Spirit of the Games and the Cheshire Schools virtual games.
Year 3/4 Orford cluster Small Schools Athletics competition. Runners up
Year 5/6 Warrington Small Schools Athletics competition Runners up
Year 5/6 Warrington Key Steps gymnastics finals. Third place
Year 3/4 Warrington Key Steps gymnastics finals. Third place
Year 3/4 Boys individual gymnastics Third place
Year 5/6 Girls cricket represented Warrington at the County finals.
Year 5/6 Warrington Schools Hockey Winners
Year 5/6 Mixed Warrington Schools Gymnastics 3rd place
Year 5/6 boys gymnastics individual 2nd place
Year 5/6 County Hockey Finals 5th place
Year 5/6 Warrington Girls cricket Runners up
Year 5/6 Girls Cricket. Represented Warrington at the County Finals
2017 - 2018
Warrington Small Schools Football Championship Y5/6 Runners Up
BOLD Quicksticks Hockey Y5/6 Joint Winners
Represented Warrington at the Cheshire Hockey Finals Y5/6
Warrington Small Schools Sportshall Athletics Y5/6 Winners
Central Warrington Kwik Cricket Y5/6 Winners
Warrington Kwik Cricket Finals Y5/6 Runners Up
Represented Warrington at the Cheshire Kwik Cricket Finals
2018 - 2019
Warrington Schools Key Steps Gymnastics Y5/6 Runners up
Warrington Schools Quicksticks Hockey Y5/6 Winners
Represented Warrington at the Cheshire Hockey Finals Y5/6
Runners up Central area rounders Y5/6
Road to Tokyo girls orienteering champions Y5/6
Road to Tokyo boys orienteering champions Y5/6
Area cricket champions Y5/6
Warrington Schools Virtual Gymnastics Y5/6 Runners up
Represented Warrington and the Cheshire finals Y5/6 virtual gymnastics
Year 5/6 Quicksticks hockey Central cluster competition. Runners up
Year 5/6 Girls Warrington Schools Gymnastics Winners
Year 5/6 Mixed Warrington Schools Gymnastics Runners up
Year 5/6 Girls Warrington Schools Cricket. Runners up
Year 5/6 Mixed Gymnastics Represented Warrington at the Cheshire County Finals
Year 5/6 Girls cricket Represented Warrington at the Cheshire County Finals
Year 5/6 Warrington Schools Hockey Finals 3rd place
Year 3/4 Mixed Warrington Schools Gymnastics Winners
Year 5/6 Hockey Represented Warringrton at the County Finals
Year 3/4 Gymnastics Represented Warrington at the County Finals