St. Ann's Year 2 Class Page
A warm welcome to our Year 2 class page.
Mrs Howard is the class teacher in Year 2 Monday to Thursday and Mr Murrall is the class tacher every Friday. We are supported all week by Miss Almond and Mrs Knight.
Year 2 is a fun and exciting year with lots to learn and fun to be had. The Year 2 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Year 1. Active learning is still a crucial aspect of the school day but this will be in a more formal manner than in Year 1 to slowly prepare the children for their move into Key Stage Two at the end of the year. This will hopefully ensure that the children are prepared for the Key Stage One SATs but still have a positive and eager attitude towards their learning.
Tuesday is our PE day. Please come dressed in your PE kit.
Reading - Each Friday children will be given a new reading book. Reading at home is essential. Your child is expected to read at home a minimum of 4 times a week. This only needs to be a few pages each night. They will also be given a Love to Read book, this is a story book the children get to choose themselves for you to share together. Encouraging a love of reading and listening to stories.
Your child will also have a reading record. This needs to be signed and dated every time that you listen to your child read.
Both books need to be returned to school in their book bag everyday so that new books can be given.
Maths - Use Numbots to practise your number facts! Can you practise your number knowledge by using the website three times a week?
Numbots - Use your child's log in and complete your numbots homework. This can be found in your child's reading record.
Our Learning - Autumn Term
For more information, please see our Curriculum pages
Troll Swap - Leigh Hodgkinson
The owl who was afraid of the dark - Jill Tomlinson
Animals Including Humans
How do animals change and survive?
Design and create a celebration card with a moving part
Introduction to Heartsmart
DOn't forget to let love in
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Artist - Susan Lordi
Our Island- The United Kingdom
Music Express: Number
Christmas nativity - Performance songs
The Bible
NCCE: Computing Systems and Networks – IT around us
NOS: Managing Online Information
Local Area - The church
Dynamic Balance to agility - Jumping and landing
Static balance - Seated
If you would like to contact us regarding your child's progress, please make an appointment with the class teacher by calling the school office or by email using the form on our contact page.