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Year One - First Day of Learning

During a period of remote learning, your child should complete three hours of schoolwork a day. We have split this into three main areas – English, Maths and the Wider Curriculum. Within these areas, teachers may set one or more activities to complete within the hour.

If your child is well, please use this timetable as guidance. However, the timings are flexible, and work can be completed whenever is best for your family. All of the children’s work will be posted on Google Classroom and their teachers will review their work regularly.

 We do not expect children to complete work if they are unwell with Covid-19 symptoms or have tested positive for the virus.

NEW - KS1 Timetable

Don't forget to post pictures of your work on Google Classroom!


In year 1 we have a set of words we have to learn to spell correclty, they are called, 'Year 1 Non-Negotiable Spellings'. See below

he        the         friend     off

if        was         said        be

is        we          me         and

of       my          off         the 

Please can you practise writing these spellings in different colours?

Say the word, look at the letters that make up the word and then copy the word correctly. 


Can you watch Pete the Pencil to help you form the letter 'c'? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRID-d2sgrg. Can you practise writing 'c' on a piece of paper? (or you can print off the handwriitng template).   

Can you watch Pete the Pencil to help you form the letter 'o'? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ4PSP0vVlc Can you practise writing 'o' on a piece of paper? (or you can print off the handwriitng template).  

Can you watch Pete the Pencil to help you form the letter 'a'?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msF0iInIn2k. an you practise writing 'a' on a piece of paper? (or you can print off the handwriitng template).  


Brain Break Songs

Follow the links for Brain Break 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ9q4U2P3ig

Follow the link for Brain Break 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1b6axyuaKcY

Follow the link for Brain Break 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9LLfv7yauM


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